Symptom Checker: The Most Commonly Searched Words

Symptom Checker: The Most Commonly Searched Words

African American man sitting on the couch in a white shirt and jeans holding his neck with his right hand and a glass of water in the other

Using Google to search the WebMD Symptom Checker at the first sign of feeling a little off is very common. Why does this hurt? What could this rash be? Is that an insect bite I should worry about? The list of googled symptoms is endless. There are however words more commonly searched with a symptom checker and you may be guilty of a few yourself.

What is a symptom checker? A symptom checker is a search engine that navigates key medical words you enter to determine the cause(s) of signs and symptoms you are experiencing. While this does not qualify as a medical opinion and is for informational purposes only, it does give you possible causes, diagnoses and treatments. Utilizing a symptom checker can also alert you when you should seek help from a doctor. There are many online tools you can use from WebMD Symptom Checker to one provided by the Mayo Clinic.

What is the difference between signs and symptoms? A symptom is something you experience like pain or fatigue while a sign is something visual that provides medical evidence of a disease and can be seen by others.

What are the most common symptom checker words searched and their treatments?


Symptoms– Fever above 100, cough or sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches and pains, fatigue, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
Treatment– Fluids and rest, throat lozenges, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antiviral drug

Abdominal Pain

Symptoms– nausea, vomiting, fever, stomach cramps, bloating, gas
Treatment– Over the counter medications, eat several small meals, stay away from foods that bother you, eat slowly

Back Pain

Symptoms– muscle aches, stabbing pain, pain that radiates down your arms or legs, exacerbated pain with back extension, numbness
Treatment– NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, topical pain relievers, ice or heat, electrical nerve stimulation therapy, physical therapy

WebMD Symptom Checker was launched in 2005 and has since been redesigned with an emphasis on a better user experience and more accurate results.

Body Aches

Symptoms– pain in a specific part of the body, weakness, fatigue, chills
Treatment– Rest, drinking plenty of fluids, warm bath, over-the-counter medications, ice

Breast Pain

Symptoms– swelling, pain radiating to underarm, tenderness, usually affects one breast, redness or burning sensation
Treatment– Wear good support, use hot or cold compresses, adjust hormone therapy or prescription medications

Using a professional grade diagnostic-engine used by physicians, the WebMD Symptom Checker maps clinical symptomology and diagnoses into easy-to-understand language that is available to millions of users.

Chest Pain

Symptoms– chest tightness, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, back/jaw/arm pain
Treatment– aspirin, blood thinners, antidepressants, cold pack, lie down

Difficulty Breathing

Symptoms– faster breathing rate, wheezing, blue fingernails or lips, excessive sweating, nostril flaring
Treatment– wearing dust mask, staying indoors, inhaled steroids, oral medications, rest

Users type in their symptoms, medical history, and medications into the WebMD Symptom Checker to generate a list of potential conditions that correlate between the particular condition and the information provided.

Sore Throat

Symptoms– pain or scratchy sensation, increased pain with swallowing or talking, swollen neck or tonsils, patches of pus on tonsils
Treatment– warm liquids or cold treats, lozenge, cool mist humidifier, rest your voice, gargle with warm water and ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt

Stomach Cramps

Symptoms– indigestion, constipation, stomach virus, menstrual cramps for women, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Treatment– heat, massage, electrolytes, pain relievers, antacids, rest


Symptoms– abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, vertigo, rapid pulse, excessive sweating, dry mouth
Treatment– avoid greasy/fried foods, eat slowly and do not mix cold and hot foods, drink clear/ ice-cold drinks, avoid activity after eating

If you find yourself Googling your signs and symptoms, you may also find yourself seeking medical treatment. American Online Benefits Group offers insurance options to cover wellness exams and provides accident/illness solutions. Please contact our agent or member services to receive more information at 214-389-9072.

This article does not provide medical advice. Please seek professional treatment if you have any of the above symptoms. As well, the WebMD Symptom Checker is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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